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  • Writer's pictureJuan M. Pedroza

Libros & Lectures

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

Dear Sociology 117M students,

After three years of teaching a sociology course on U.S. immigration enforcement and deportations, I've had time to read some of the rapidly growing literature on immigrant exclusion and inclusion. The syllabus covered a range of topics, mainly via journal articles (see an expanded list that I periodically update here), current events news items, public policy reports and briefs, and government reports.

In order to keep up with a large number of new books on the consequences of living in limbo, I turn to the original sources as well as author interviews on podcasts. Below are links to NewBooksNetwork.Com interviews with authors discussing their work. You will recognize some of these authors from class assignments. The interviews offer valuable insights into the high and myriad costs of ongoing commitments to exclusion.

As a UCSC student, you also have access to electronic books. Below is my extensive list of immigration enforcement and migration policy citations courtesy of UCSC library resources.

If you're interested in books that are free to anyone with an internet connection, I've marked several such titles as OPEN ACCESS in the above list; such as one of my favorites from 2020: Of Love and Papers by Professor Laura E. Enriquez.

Between the syllabus, podcasts below, and these e-books, you'll be sure to find lots to read.

Be well,

Professor Pedroza

foto: ijuanathesaurus shelves w/ books by year of publication (not pictured: office books)


The links below redirect to the New Books Network website. The episodes listed cover U.S. immigration enforcement and related policies, immigrant exclusion/inclusion, U.S. borderlands, and resistance movements (listed chronologically by date of interview):

10 books with a central focus on U.S. immigration enforcement in bold

2009 Interview

  • Tempo, Carl J. Bon. Americans at the Gate: The United States and Refugees during the Cold War. Princeton University Press, 2008. Interview on 02/12/2009

2011 interview

  • Cohen, Elizabeth F. Semi-Citizenship in Democratic Politics. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Interview on 05/20/2011

2013 interviews

  • Andersen, Kristi. New Immigrant Communities: Finding a Place in Local Politics. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010. Interview on 02/22/2013

  • Skogberg, Cari Lee. Shaping the Immigration Debate: Contending Civil Societies on the US-Mexico border. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2011. Interview on 06/10/2013

  • Gleeson, Shannon. Conflicting Commitments: The Politics of Enforcing Immigrant Worker Rights in San Jose and Houston. Cornell University Press, 2012. Interview on 06/17/2013

  • Kretsedemas, Philip. The Immigration Crucible: Transforming Race, Nation, and the Limits of the Law. Columbia University Press, 2012. Interview on 09/16/2013

2014 interviews

  • Masuoka, Natalie, and Jane Junn. The Politics of Belonging: Race, Public Opinion, and Immigration. University of Chicago Press, 2013. Interview on 01/06/2014

  • Carens, Joseph. The Ethics of Immigration. Oxford University Press, 2013. Interview on 02/01/2014

  • Chávez, Karma R. Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities. University of Illinois Press, 2013. Interview on 03/10/2014

  • Brennan, Denise. Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States. Duke University Press, 2014. Interview on 05/20/2014

2015 interviews

  • DeSipio, Louis, and Rodolfo O. de la Garza. U.S. Immigration in the Twenty-First Century: Making Americans, Remaking America. Westview Press, 2015. Interview on 04/12/2015

  • Cadava, Geraldo L. Standing on Common Ground: The Making of a Sunbelt Borderland. Harvard University Press. Interview on 06/14/2015

  • Rosas, Ana Elizabeth. Abrazando el Espíritu: Bracero Families Confront the US-Mexico Border. University of California Press, 2014. Interview on 06/20/2015

  • Hsu, Madeline Y. The Good Immigrants: How the Yellow Peril became the Model Minority. Princeton University Press, 2017. Interview on 06/23/2015

  • Molina, Natalia. How Race is Made in America: Immigration, Citizenship, and the Historical Power of Racial Scripts. University of California Press, 2014. Interview on 09/02/2015

  • Weise, Julie M. Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U.S. South since 1910. University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Interview on 12/17/2015

2016 interviews

  • Flores, Lori A. Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican immigrants, and the California Farmworker Movement. Yale University Press, 2016. Interview on 03/10/2016

  • Zimmer, Kenyon. Immigrants Against the State: Yiddish and Italian Anarchism in America. University of Illinois Press, 2015. Interview on 06/16/2016

  • Gündogdu, Ayten. Rightlessness in an Age of Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Struggles of Migrants. Oxford University Press, 2014. Interview on 06/26/2016

  • Tang, Eric. Unsettled: Cambodian Refugees in the New York City Hyperghetto. Temple University Press, 2015. Interview on 06/28/2015

  • Wald, Sarah D. The Nature of California: Race, Citizenship, and Farming since the Dust Bowl. University of Washington Press, 2016. Interview on 06/28/2016

  • Mollenkopf, John, & Pastor, Manuel (Eds.). (2016). Unsettled Americans: Metropolitan Context and Civic Leadership for Immigrant Integration. Cornell University Press. Interview on 07/27/2016

  • Hernández, Kelly Lytle. Migra!: A History of the U.S. Border Patrol. University of California Press, 2010. Interview on 08/23/2016

  • Loza, Mireya. Defiant Braceros: How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual, and Political Freedom. University of North Carolina Press, 2016. Interview on 09/12/2026

2017 interviews

  • Law, Anna O. The Immigration Battle in American Courts. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Interview on 02/13/2017

  • Silber Mohamed, Heather. The New Americans? Immigration, Protest, and the Politics of Latino Identity. University Press of Kansas, 2017. Interview on 07/31/2017

2018 interviews

  • Zepeda-Millán, Cris. (2017). Latino Mass Mobilization: Immigration, Racialization, and Activism. Cambridge University Press. Interview on 01/22/2018

  • Alvarado, Karina Oliva, Alicia Ivonne Estrada, and Ester E. Hernández, eds. U.S. Central Americans: Reconstructing Memories, Struggles, and Communities of Resistance. University of Arizona Press, 2017. Interview on 03/16/2018

  • Lim, Julian. Porous Borders: Multiracial Migrations and the Law in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. University of North Carolina Press, 2017. Interview on 03/30/2018

  • Patiño, Jimmy. Raza Sí, Migra No: Chicano Movement Struggles for Immigrant Rights in San Diego. University of North Carolina Press, 2017. Interview on 04/05/2018

  • Lew-Williams, B. (2018). The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and the Making of the Alien in America. Harvard University Press. Interview on 05/28/2018

  • Cohen, Elizabeth F. The Political Value of Time: Citizenship, Duration, and Democratic Justice. Cambridge University Press, 2018. Interview on 06/29/2018 plus 2nd interview on 08/27/2018

  • Benton-Cohen, Katherine. Inventing the Immigration Problem: The Dillingham Commission and Its Legacy. Harvard University Press, 2018. Interview on 07/30/2018

  • Minian, Ana Raquel. Undocumented Lives: The Untold Story of Mexican Migration. Harvard University Press, 2018. Interview on 08/22/2018

  • Rael, Ronald. Borderwall as Architecture: A Manifesto for the U.S.-Mexico Boundary. University of California Press, 2017. Interview on 11/16/2018

  • Rensink, Brenden W. Native but Foreign: Indigenous Immigrants and Refugees in the North American Borderlands. Texas A&M University Press, 2018. Interview on 12/13/2018

2019 interviews

  • Hirota, Hidetaka. Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy. Oxford University Press, 2016. Interview on 01/23/2019

  • Longo, Matthew. The Politics of Borders: Sovereignty, Security, and the Citizen after 9/11. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Interview on 02/04/2019

  • Hahner, Leslie A. To Become an American: Immigrants and Americanization Campaigns of the Early Twentieth Century. Michigan State University Press, 2017. Interview on 04/05/2019

  • Bui, Long T. Returns of War: South Vietnam and the Price of Refugee Memory. New York University Press, 2018. Interview on 06/07/2019

  • Bejarano, Carolina Alonso, Lucia López Juárez, Mirian A. Mijangos García, and Daniel M. Goldstein. Decolonizing Ethnography: Undocumented Immigrants and New Directions in Social Science. Duke University Press, 2019. Interview on 07/01/2019

  • Jones, Jennifer A. The Browning of the New South. University of Chicago Press, 2019. Interview on 07/24/2019

  • Carter, Niambi Michele. American While Black: African Americans, Immigration, and the Limits of Citizenship. Oxford University Press, USA, 2019. Interview on 08/28/2019

  • Chávez-García, Miroslava. Migrant Longing: Letter Writing Across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. University of North Carolina Press, 2018. Interview on 09/17/2019

  • Cohen, Elizabeth F., & Cyril Ghosh. Citizenship. Polity Press, 2019. Interview on 10/16/2019

  • Guerrero, Perla M. Nuevo South: Latinas/os, Asians, and the Remaking of Place. University of Texas Press, 2017. Interview on 10/31/2019

  • Kang, S. Deborah. The INS on the Line: Making Immigration Law on the US-Mexico Border, 1917-1954. Oxford University Press, 2016. Interview on 11/11/2029

  • Lopez, William D. Separated: Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019. Interview on 12/09/2019

  • Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad. Banned: Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump. New York University Press, 2019. Interview on 12/30/2019

2020 interviews

  • Bihler, Lori Gemeiner. Cities of Refuge: German Jews in London and New York, 1935-1945. State University of New York (SUNY) Press, 2018. Interview on 01/16/2020

  • Hong, Jane H. Gates to Asia: A Transpacific History of How America Repealed Asian Exclusion. University of North Carolina Press, 2019. Interview on 01/17/2020

  • Besteman, Catherine. Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine. Duke University Press, 2016. Interview on 01/21/2020

  • Denvir, Daniel. All-American Nativism: How the Bipartisan War on Immigrants Explains Politics as We Know It. Verso, 2020. Interview on 01/27/2020

  • García, Mario T. Father Luis Olivares, a Biography: Faith Politics and the Origins of the Sanctuary Movement in Los Angeles. University of North Carolina Press, 2018. Interview 02/11/2020

  • Reed-Sandoval, Amy. Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice. Oxford University Press, 2019. Interview on 03/20/2020

  • Weber, John. From South Texas to the Nation: The Exploitation of Mexican Labor in the Twentieth Century. University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Interview on 03/20/2020

  • Yang, Jia Lynn. One Mighty and Irresistible Tide the Epic Struggle Over American Immigration, 1924-1965. W. W. Norton, 2020. Interview on 05/14/2020

  • Dolmage, Jay Timothy. Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability. The Ohio State University Press, 2018. Interview on 06/08/2020

  • McGreevey, Robert C. Borderline Citizens: The United States, Puerto Rico, and the Politics of Colonial Migration. Cornell University Press, 2018. Interview 06/15/2020

  • Goodman, Adam. The Deportation Machine: America's Long History of Expelling Immigrants. Princeton University Press, 2020. Interview on 06/29/2020

  • García-Colón, Ismael. Colonial Migrants at the Heart of Empire: Puerto Rican Workers on U.S. Farms. University of California Press, 2020. Interview on 07/10/2020

  • Escudero, Kevin. Organizing While Undocumented: Immigrant Youth's Political Activism under the Law. New York University Press, 2020. Interview on 07/20/2020

  • Martínez-Matsuda, Verónica. Migrant Citizenship: Race, Rights, and Reform in the U.S. Farm Labor Camp Program. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. Interview on 07/27/2020

  • Olivas, Michael A. Perchance to DREAM: A Legal and Political History of the DREAM Act and DACA. New York University Press, 2020. Interview on 08/03/2020

  • Kraut, Julia Rose. Threat of Dissent: A History of Ideological Exclusion and Deportation in the United States. Harvard University Press, 2020. Interview on 08/17/2020

  • Quraishi, Uzma. Quraishi, Uzma. Redefining the Immigrant South: Indian and Pakistani Immigration to Houston During the Cold War. University of North Carolina Press, 2020. Interview on 08/21/2020

  • Medoff, Rafael. The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust. University of Nebraska Press, 2019. Interview on 08/31/2020

  • Ramirez, Mark D., and David A. M. Peterson. Ignored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos. Cambridge University Press, 2020. Interview on 09/15/2020

  • Gillum, Rachel M. Muslims in a Post-9/11 America: A Survey of Attitudes and Beliefs and Their Implications for U.S. National Security Policy. University of Michigan Press, 2018. Interview on 09/23/2020

  • Parekh, Serena. No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis. Oxford University Press, 2020. Interview on 10/01/2020

  • Cox, Adam B., and Cristina M. Rodríguez. The President and Immigration Law. Oxford University Press, 2020. Interview on 10/14/2020

  • Espejo, Paulina Ochoa. On Borders: Territories, Legitimacy, and the Rights of Place. Oxford University Press, 2020. Interview on 11/20/2020

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